Be well. Feel well. Live well.

Be well. Feel well. Live well.


Family Health & Wellness incorporates herbal wisdom, integrative nutrition, and western medicine to create a healing plan that suits you and your body’s unique needs. From pediatrics to menopause, we offer a holistic approach to health care for the whole family.

family medicine

Western Health Care

We believe in modern medicine and pharmaceuticals, but we also believe in your body’s natural desire & ability to heal. When needed, we prescribe pharmaceuticals & balance your system with holistic, integrative therapies. We respect your right to choose your healing modality & are happy to use western practice, herbal & homeopathic remedies, or integrative therapies.

nutritional medicine

Integrative Nutrition

Food is medicine. Vitamin & mineral deficiency is an epidemic in modern diets. Our lifestyles and modern farming practices have led to a host of health complications related to nutrient deficiencies from fatigue & insomnia to more serious chronic issues. Nutritional medicine & supplements are frequently added to therapies offering your body what it needs to feel well.


Herbs & Homeopathy

The ancient wisdom of herbal medicine has been passed down through generations of healers. We harness the power of herbs to treat acute or chronic conditions & prescribe adaptogenic herbs to strengthen your body’s natural immunity. Homeopathy is based in addressing the mind-body-spirit connection & is an excellent therapy to add to your healing journey.