Women’s Wisdom Retreat in sunny Mallorca, Spain- September 2024.


Stay tuned for next years dates.

Wyld Womyn Retreat in Mallorca September 30-October 6th, 2024. We have new availability for this amazing retreat. This is a heavy hiking retreat with a weeklong focus on skin care and holistic health care from the inside out. If you’ve got a burning desire to join us next month contact us NOW. 512-400-0267 or info@austinfamilyhealthclinic.com

Women’s Wellness Retreat with Marnie Castor: June, 2025. We will be announcing dates very soon. Email if you would like to get 1st dibs on this amazing experience.

Women’s Wisdom Retreat in Sunny Mallorca, Spain- FULLY BOOKED

Women’s Wisdom Retreat in Sunny Mallorca, Spain- FULLY BOOKED